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From Resistant To Responsive

Delilah is a 6 year old draft cross mare that has been making a lot of progress since our regular bodywork sessions began. She started off bracing when being ridden, especially when asked to turn in either direction. Now she's doing full hunter courses and working on flying lead changes! Here is what Delilah's owner has to say:

My horse, Delilah, has been getting regular massages from Jen for almost a year now. When I first got Delilah, she literally could not turn when being ridden; she would brace her entire body against the turn whenever asked.

Bodywork with Jen has helped Delilah release the tension in her body and become more open to listening to what is being asked of her. In her sessions, Delilah is learning how to turn resistance into softness and relaxation, which is translating into her becoming more willing and responsive when being ridden. Her bending has improved, she has more impulsion and a more fluid range of motion, and she’s starting to stretch out and flex her poll.

Delilah has come so far in a short amount of time and I’m so excited to see what the future holds for us!

Anna Irion

Masterson Method

Performance Massage



© 2024 Jenilee Roesch

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